Monday, August 6, 2012

Email received August 4, 2012

Hi Family!
I had a fun week this week which was full of work and weird things.
Not much to brag about Monday and Tuesday because we kept trying to see less actives and people who had said they were interested, but Wednesday was the start of a fun week.
On Wednesday, we volunteered at the food pantry again because it was a slow day for us plus the Spanish elders weren’t there to help out. So there was this one white guy there that was so weird – he was speaking in a high voice and also quoting the Family Guy show.  We think he was on drugs (and had probably been on drugs all his life) and the TV shows he watches just burn into his frazzled brain. This black lady was there and she would always comment if someone got something too big or went through the line twice and just got upset about anything like that. A free-for-all happened at the end of the day where all the stuff that no one has taken is up for grabs.  This one hispanic lady took all of the potatoes and the black lady was like, "Why don’t you just take the whole table!" and "I can’t even reach that!” and “She’s taking all the food!" Funny. Then one of the volunteers sort of passed out, fell backwards, and sat on a step dazed.  The black lady grabbed the volunteer under her arms, trying to drag her up saying, "I’m just going to take her up so she can’t sit down.” and “I was a nurse. I know what I’m doing!"  Just out of control.
After lunch, we had a lesson with Jordan Lee who turned to seek God after a bad accident and stumbled upon the videos on youtube. Really intelligent kid and we taught him the Plan of Salvation. After the lesson we tried committing him to baptism, but he wanted to learn more and there obviously was no desire for baptism yet either. That night we brought Jacquan Joseph (sister Joseph’s son) with us when we went to teach Katrina about obedience and the law of chastity. Teaching the Law of Chastity was awkward (I kept smiling because I was nervous) because of Katrina's question about how would she find out what she would be working with when she’s married. Weird.
Thursday we mowed the lawn and then got Slurpees.  I paid for mine with all pennies to get rid of them. Then we went to the most ghetto super store ever to see if we could set up a booth to hand out cards. Literally ghetto! We went for a second to look at hats and right under them was a pile of bras and this shop sells knives in every which way like a comb knife or pen knife. I found a butterfly knife and it’s really cool (not girly!). Then we taught a short lesson about the priesthood to Blaine Franklin.

Friday was fun.  After zone meeting we ate at Cici’s Pizza and got stuffed then did a few things to get paperwork done. Then a little later our less active members, the Ballards, took us to a Chinese buffet and I was so full. Then we did a First Friday lemonade stand.  A lot of people go shopping downtown on the first Friday of every month so we set up a stand to give out cards and lemonade. A street side DJ was playing music and Elder Canova got pumped by dancing a little.  Down the street was a guy with a microphone shouting at the people, telling them to repent and that they are going to hell. People walking by told us we were much nicer and this one girl we talked to was so annoyed with the guy with the microphone that she took one of his pamphlets, ripped it up, and ate it in front of him. When we walked by, he said, “You can’t be saved by the Mormon bible!” and gave his opinion that we are saved by grace, not by works. We talked to a lot of people with Elder Corey there.
Saturday we had interviews with President Perry and he says he is going to stretch me out again and has received a lot of promptings about me. He loves my endless positive attitude and said Elder Canova really respects me. He always wants to know where my positive attitude comes from and even I don’t know. He told me that fighting the good fight takes more than giving up and he says I show discipleship through not ever giving up.  Also he commented that I never complain. His conversation really made me feel good about the work I’m doing. Later, we did farm work, which was basically painting a few walls and sanding them, too. We got free crazy bread using a card that gives us 10 free crazy breads sometimes.
Sunday, none of our investigators came to church, but we went to mission prep to help out after a while in English class.  The class got weird after the lady was explaining facts about Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War even though the people didn’t understand her. Our mission prep meeting was fun and I made a joke after the teacher was putting up questions to study.  One of them was about polygamy and said "Why did it start?" and I answered by asking, "Why was it taken away?" It was really funny but I need to hold off on that kind of humor, probably.
Well, that was my week and it was okay. I love you and have a fun week in the real world.

Elder McClure

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