Friday, February 24, 2012

Email Received on February 20, 2012

Hi Family!
Friday: we did weekly planning and went around just finding places to tract and no hope there. We had a lesson with a less active and his son, Jawan, who had little to no knowledge of religion period so we had to massively simplify the plan of salvation. Then on Saturday we had the best of luck. We went to go tract the rest of a road in Dendron called Railroad Rd.  We had little to no success except a guy interested in the Book of Mormon to read and when we finally ended that meeting a big black family comes out on the dusty road.  I talked to them first instead of Elder Coon and the mother was really interested.  She read a little from her Book of Mormon when the elders taught them in a group on the exchange.

Saturday:  We visited this guy named Ray Williams, a former, and he was still interested.  A year ago some other elders turned him off after he had a bad deal with his girlfriend.  He had moved to a trailer and he left and the elders came by and smelled kerosene (which leaked from heating the house) and they called the cops.  Ray was later sent to a psych ward for a few days because of this.  So that left a bad taste in his mouth. We met a couple of other people who were interested and saw a couple of referrals from one guy. We met 6 new investigators. Then went to La Hacienda and saw a couple of kids on a dinner date for a dance and the girls wore trampy dresses and one was covered in body glitter. Weird.
Sunday: nothing much happened.  Most of the people we invited to church didn’t come. There were some non-members who attended S. Smith’s funeral (she was the Harter’s grandma) and they loved the compassion of the people for her.  S. Smith said before she died that she was excited for the glorious work to be done in Heaven and she was glad that before she died she had finished her visiting teaching.  That was a lesson to everyone to do visiting teaching better if a 85 year old lady can do it. We had another lesson with Jawan and Larry Brown, his father, and we showed them an New Testament based movie of Jesus Christ and him growing up and they loved it and wanted to see more. It also snowed for a while and then stopped while in other areas it was like a blizzard.

Monday:  today we went with the Flys to a zone P-day nerf gun war. The Flys had all the official nerf guns and we had a blast.  The game was 2 bases against each other style and I got a lot of exercise from it. E. Roberts had gone all out and spent 100 bucks on nerf stuff like a sword, dagger, shield, pistol, 2 clips, a vest to hold it all and a sniper nerf gun. He is super weird. Then we went home and went to a thrift shop for a VCR machine and the clerk talked a bunch and showed us all these things she said she got out of the trash. Then we had dinner at the Flys and emailed from there.

Elder McClure

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