Hi Family!
On Monday, we had the most lazy day that could ever exist in a mission. We had nothing to do because E. Carter isnt really creative with our time and we just stayed home. We went to Mrs. Nan's and we talked with her for a while and she fed us hamburger meat and beans yuck. Then she offered us these treats on the table for dessert but it came to her attention after we all ate one and Carter had two that they were dog treats. It wasn't bad but that is nasty. The main thing today was that we had an interview with the President Perry. So that was fun. He told me how mature I was and that he was grateful for me serving in Virginia. At the end, President Perry didnt fool around with me by joking where i would be transferred because its honestly where ever the lord needs me most. We also had a lesson with an investigator named David and I explained to him the Joseph Smith story. And all he got out of it was that Joseph brought back the need of prayer. I think it went a little over his head.
Weds, nothing special. Thursday, Me and E. Carter tried to visit some people but we couldnt get a hold of them so we went tracting in the ghetto area behind the peanut factory and we found some people to invest some time into. Then Friday, We had a zone meeting and it was very good and afterward, we all went out to lunch. On the way out, a car full of people hits the edge of the exit ramp. Then we had an exchange with the zone leaders. I got to take Elder Carpenter to Wakefield and we tracted whenever we could. He said that I have a fiery passion about me for the work. I feel a little held back by Elder Carter and i want someone new so we arent as relaxed in the area which 10 months here can do for you. Elder Carpenter interviewed S. Seeley. On Saturday, We switched with our old companions and we got S. Seeley baptised. Elder Carter did it and kind of flung her into the water and when she came up she was very astonished.
The Harters now have 7 puppies from a dog that this man had them take care of. It could have been 12 but the vet made a mistake and now they are gunning for his license being taken away. The puppies are adorable. Tula should have puppies. These ones are German shepherds and they suck on your fingers when they are hungry. I got a picture but ill send it next time. Still breaking the camera in. On Sunday, We confirmed S. Seeley and we went to a members house that we hardly talk to. Its the Joines and they are a black and white couple. The man is small and white and the wife is big and black and has small dreds. They were hilarious and they loved my fun personality which hardly comes out because Elder Carter hogs the conversation and is bland and has the sarcastic jokes that only he laughs at. Today Im going to look for whale bones in this area and go to the Harters. If you ever really miss me, call her or listen to my ipod for comfort. Or sit on tessa. It worked for me. Well love you all and thanks for the package of my gs and I finally got a package of goodies from Allison and Molly. I love them to death. I already have so much candy I dont know what to do with it. Next email I will send the best sunset ever. I will also send the package to you. I love you all and please send more letters because I want to feel special at the post office. I like to show them off a lot.
bye yall,
Elder McClure
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