Hey Family,
So for those who want to write me my new address is: 1721 Park Rd. Apt. D , Harrisonburg, VA 22802.
My week went okay. It was super stressful to leave Lawrenceville. I got all the records organized so when the area splits, it’s all good. Saying good-bye when we dropped off Elder Low at the mission house was okay. We had to bring Marcus with us to have a third male on the way home and everyone that had served in Lawrenceville came out and were like, "Ah, Marcus." I got funny pictures with a lot of members and a few investigators. My top two favorite goodbye pictures are the one of me and Marcus with Do-rags on and the one with the Lewises (Bro.Lewis looking like he was going to lick me and the kids just soaking wet and muddy). The best goodbye was from the Pearces cuz they really are going to miss me and want me to write. The best goodbye from an investigator was with Tiffany. We were going home from South Hill and it was 9:04pm so I look at Arby’s (Tiffany is often there at work at that time) and just made up my mind to say bye. When we got in and said hi, she came up and gave me a hug and said, “I missed you!” When I told her I was leaving, she immediately said, “You are coming back for my baptism, right?” She had dropped us previously out of the blue, so her news that she was still planning on being baptized was so cool to hear. The rest of the time that day I said goodbyes and had people write in my book. B. Lewis did half of it in Russian so that’s hard to understand.
Transfer day was crazy. I had a lot of luggage so it was annoying and we ended up driving all the way up. We got up early so we went to McDonalds with our Zone Leaders for breakfast. This guy came up to us talking about this bishop who defended himself against 6 muggers using a Samurai sword. After the guy left, everyone looked at me because I know Tae-Kwon-Do (and I do have a sword). The crazy part of transfers was all the new missionaries and then all the people who now have to train them. I got pictures with some of the Elders I know. Me, my former companion (now ZL Elder Canova), Elder Anderasen, and my new comp. Elder Quiambow (who is from the Phillipines) drove to Staunton. My comp and I got dropped off – we waited 3 hours then a member from Harrisonburg came to pick us up. We had 4 elders in this small older Jeep and there were 4 big suitcases on the roof. The weight kept making the car shake when it went too fast. We got there safe and sound. Elder Moon took us to the apartment which had been formerly owned by sisters so it has some pretty things all around and a full-sized piano. Our new area in Harrisonburg has two universities and a frat house street that is crazy. Harrisonburg is like the 2nd nicest place to live in America. Our apartment is surrounded by Mennonite apartments and close to one of their schools so we see a lot of them.
The first real day in Harrisonburg was super busy. We saw two less actives and taught this investigator and gave her a blessing for health reasons. The funniest thing was that after reading the scriptures with a less active, this Mennonite couple asked us to come over and talk. It was a super long conversation and they were pulling up all these weird things they think we believe in like that the CIA headquarters has papers on us and know who we are and stuff. We kept trying to bring the conversation back to the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith. The lady, named Dawn, believes Joseph Smith was a prophet but that the Book of Mormon was changed after he died to fit man’s way. It was weird and Elder Moon hated when she asked for our first names. It was crazy. We didn’t do much the rest of the week other than helping a member, B. Richards, with yard work and having dinner with this fun family, the Frankies. B. Frankie has a lot of humorous things to say and stuff. Before we got here, the Spanish-speaking Elders here were doing yard work on this steep slope and it was a little wet and slippery. Elder Burbank slipped and his foot went under the lawn mower. It sliced open his big toe and shattered the bone and cut off some of the toe next to it. It looked really gross in the pictures. So the Spanish-speaking elders are decomished for a bit.
Well, I love you all and will update you on this week next P-day.
Elder McClure